Advice to a reader who recently found her ex on Tinder.

A Lifestyle Blog for the Modern Bitch
Advice to a reader who recently found her ex on Tinder.
Advice to a reader who wants to feel more accomplished and another dealing with a partner’s retroactive jealousy.
Advice to a reader who wants a relationship with someone who claims they’re “not ready” and more.
Hi friends, and welcome back to another Dear Dating Bitch advice column! If you’re new to the blog, Dear Dating Bitch where I answer dating and relationship questions agony aunt style. If you’re in need of some advice, go ahead and submit your questions here. And don’t worry – it’s always anonymous. Usually, I try …
In this edition of ‘Dear Dating B,’ I’m answering a reader who is 21 and still has never been kissed along with a few other letters.
My advice to a reader who’s concerned about the excessive relationship baggage their new partner has.
Dating is hard. Equally hard is getting that date in the first place. To do that, you’ve got to find a way to put yourself out there and ask them out. Sure, it’s scary, but it’s better than doing nothing and always wondering, right? Today, I’ve got a few questions about the early stages of …
In this advice column post, I’m answering questions from readers on how to deal with an ex.