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Autumn Dates Perfect for Falling in Love

Spooky season is upon us and if you haven’t noticed, people go absolutely CRAZY over Autumn. In fact, it’s actually the most commonly cited ‘favorite season’ among Americans. And I totally get it – the changing colors and crisp weather make for a ton of romantic possibilities.

So, with that in mind, here are 23 of my favorite date ideas for Fall.

Even if you’re not in a committed relationship right now, you can still take advantage of the Harvest Season – just grab some of your besties and have a friend-date!

Related Read: 25 Best Date Ideas for Winter

Couple outside in the Fall

Spooky Date Ideas for Fall

A lot of people absolutely LOVE Halloween and all the spooky stuff that comes with it. For those people, there are a ton of scary, Halloween-themed date ideas you can do.

1. Go to a Haunted House

Ok, so this one is NOT on my personal list. I’m not a huge fan of jump scares so the idea of willing paying to be startled for an hour doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.

But, I know that some people absolutely LOVE the haunted house experience. So, if that’s you, going to a Haunted House is one of the best spooky date ideas out there.

2. Watch a Scary Movie

Again, not a fan. (I must be the only person in the world who hasn’t seen any of the Halloween movies.) But, again, it’s a great date for those of you who are into the scarier aspects of the Fall season.

3. Take a Ghost Tour

Now we’re talking! I might not like scary movies, but I am a huge fan of ghost tours.

I’ve done several and it’s actually one of my favorite things to do when I go on vacation. For some reason, I don’t find ghost tours scary. You’re typically with a group of people and you learn a lot about the history of the city you’re in.

Oh, and no one jumps out and scares you.

4. Murder Mystery Dinner

This is such a fun and unique date idea! If you’ve got a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater near you, it’s definitely something to consider doing this Fall.

But even if you don’t – you can always try and get some friends together and host one yourself.

5. Go to an Escape Room

If you’ve never done an escape room before, it’s not actually all that scary. Rather, you’re putting together clues and trying to solve the provided puzzle in order to escape in a given amount of time.

Related Read: 13 Spooky Halloween themed Date Night Activities

6. Play Hunt a Killer

If you’re a fan of true crime, you might’ve already heard about this game. Hunt a Killer is an immersive murder mystery game that comes as a monthly subscription.

When you sign up for the game, a new box arrives each month. You then use the clues in the box to try and solve the mystery.

It is a bit pricey, so if you want to save some money and skip the whole subscription thing, you can get the board game version instead.

[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”” apilink=”https://amzn.to/3va9pJH” new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”0:0″ imgs=”%3Ca%20href%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FHunt-Killer-Immersive-Independent-Detectives%2Fdp%2FB085ZNYPR3%3Fdchild%3D1%26keywords%3Dhunt%2Ba%2Bkiller%26qid%3D1634221916%26sr%3D8-2%26linkCode%3Dli2%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26linkId%3Db3a4aa3dc60d43537bcc2b42d1a76342%26language%3Den_US%26ref_%3Das_li_ss_il%22%20target%3D%22_blank%22%3E%3Cimg%20border%3D%220%22%20src%3D%22%2F%2Fws-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fwidgets%2Fq%3F_encoding%3DUTF8%26ASIN%3DB085ZNYPR3%26Format%3D_SL160_%26ID%3DAsinImage%26MarketPlace%3DUS%26ServiceVersion%3D20070822%26WS%3D1%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%22%20%3E%3C%2Fa%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fir-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fe%2Fir%3Ft%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%26l%3Dli2%26o%3D1%26a%3DB085ZNYPR3%22%20width%3D%221%22%20height%3D%221%22%20border%3D%220%22%20alt%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22border%3Anone%20!important%3B%20margin%3A0px%20!important%3B%22%20%2F%3E” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignleft” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]Hunt a Killer: Death at the Dive Bar[/amalinkspro]

7. Rocky Horror

This is hands down one of my favorite movies to watch in the Fall. It’s so campy and outrageous! If you’ve never seen it before, you absolutely need to.

And, depending on where you live, you might even be able to find a screening near you. A lot of places do midnight shows during this time of year. But it’s not just sitting and watching a movie. People get really into it – they dress up as the characters and dance along to the movie.

8. Get a Tarot Reading

Ok, so Tarot isn’t actually scary. Like, at all. (It’s not a Ouija board – which, by the way, stay away from!) But people consider it spooky so it makes the list.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably already know that I actually read Tarot myself. I look at it as a way of getting in-touch with your own emotions (kind of like a form of therapy.)

I’ve had readings done with my partner and it’s a lot of fun. You learn a lot about your relationship and it’s a good way to open up an insightful conversation.

*Side Note – I offer online Tarot Readings for anyone who wants to try it for themselves! You can email me here or send me a message on Twitter.

Romantic Date Ideas for Fall

Autumn and Spring are two seasons that, to me, just seem to exude romance. Both seasons have fantastic weather, beautiful scenery, and just an overall romantic vibe. You can take advantage of that with these romantic date ideas for Fall – perfect for all the lovers out there.

9. Take a Fall Hike

Whether you’re wanting a full-on hiking adventure, or just a light stroll, Fall is the perfect time for an outdoor walk.

I live in St. Louis and if you know anything about the Midwest, you probably know that Summertime is miserable. It’s so hot and humid that doing anything outside other than swimming is pretty uncomfortable. So I always look forward to Autumn when the weather feels amazing.

10. Go Horseback Riding

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something undeniably romantic about going horseback riding.

11. Have an Outdoor Picnic

This is such a simple and sweet date – it’s also easy to customize to your preferences.

You can pack something elegant like wine and some sort of fancy food. (I’m picturing those tiny British sandwiches or tartlets.)

Or you can make it really casual with some cozy blankets and snacks.

Couple having a cozy picnic outside - one of many date ideas for fall

Related Read: 20 Activities to Do This Fall

12 Visit an Art Fair or Farmers Market

I’m such a huge fan of art, so going to an art fair is one of my all-time favorite things to do in the Fall. Most of the time, they’re held outside so you can walk around and enjoy the Autumn weather while you check out the artwork.

Farmers markets are also a lot of fun – and a lot of them offer samples so you can try some of the local artisanal products before you buy.

13. Go to a Winery

Even if you’re not a huge wine-drinker, going to a winery is such a romantic date idea. Aside from wine, you can get lunch or dinner there as well.

And most wineries have a really scenic view so you can eat your meal outside.

14. Take a Romantic Getaway

I know that Summer is the big traveling season, but taking a vacation in the Fall is arguably better. For one thing, it probably won’t be as crowded. All the kids are back in school, so you can enjoy a much quieter trip together.

If you’re a big outdoorsy person, you can also consider taking a camping trip together before it gets too cold.

Related Read: Vacationing as a Couple: 5 Tips to Make Your Vacation Together Great

15. Do some Archery or Axe Throwing

John and I actually did this on one of our earliest dates and it was a blast. It’s definitely a workout, but it’s a really fun and adventurous date idea.

16. Go Apple Picking

woman holding a bunch of apples

Apple picking is a sweet, wholesome way to spend the afternoon.

Going to a pumpkin patch is another great Fall activity. And a lot of places have both an apple orchard and a pumpkin patch.

Plus, you can easily make this a family activity if you have little ones.

Either way, you’ll enjoy spending the day outside.

Cozy Date Ideas for Fall

Autumn is also a perfect time for staying in and snuggling up with your love. Here are some date ideas for Fall that will give you that warm, cozy feeling.

Related Read: Best At Home Date Ideas

17. Enjoy a Bonfire

I’m such a huge fan of bonfires, fire pits, fireplaces. Basically anything with flames.

I guess it’s the Sagittarius in me 🏹

18. Take a Hay Ride

If you go to a pumpkin patch, chances are they offer hay rides. Fall festivals and fairs typically have them too.

Bring a few blankets (or one big one to share) and enjoy the ride snuggled up together.

19. Go Star Gazing

You can easily do this one just in your own backyard. Again, grab a big cozy blanket and head outside to watch the night sky.

(*If you’re looking for a good blanket to share, this one is perfect!)

[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”” apilink=”https://amzn.to/3aGjeWh” new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”0:0″ imgs=”%3Ca%20href%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FEddie-Bauer-Cabin-Flannel-Sherpa%2Fdp%2FB01HTQQGHS%3Fdchild%3D1%26keywords%3Doutdoor%252Bblanket%26qid%3D1634228363%26sr%3D8-19-spons%26spLa%3DZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzQUcxV0NTRlBRV1JNJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTI2MjgySE0yVktDQUEzWDA5JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2NTg0NjQyUldaM1pSMTJDOFQ4JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfbXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ%26th%3D1%26linkCode%3Dli2%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26linkId%3D4eff6007741a361185236679851b4d93%26language%3Den_US%26ref_%3Das_li_ss_il%22%20target%3D%22_blank%22%3E%3Cimg%20border%3D%220%22%20src%3D%22%2F%2Fws-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fwidgets%2Fq%3F_encoding%3DUTF8%26ASIN%3DB01HTQQGHS%26Format%3D_SL160_%26ID%3DAsinImage%26MarketPlace%3DUS%26ServiceVersion%3D20070822%26WS%3D1%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%22%20%3E%3C%2Fa%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fir-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fe%2Fir%3Ft%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%26l%3Dli2%26o%3D1%26a%3DB01HTQQGHS%22%20width%3D%221%22%20height%3D%221%22%20border%3D%220%22%20alt%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22border%3Anone%20!important%3B%20margin%3A0px%20!important%3B%22%20%2F%3E” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignleft” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]Cozy Fleece Blanket[/amalinkspro]

20. Do some Baking

Bake something Fall-themed – like an apple pie or some sort of pumpkin spice concoction (pumpkin spice cookies are beyond amazing.)

Or, if you’re not much of a cook, you can always get some cookies and spend the afternoon decorating them.

21. Carve a Pumpkin

I have a friend who just absolutely ADORES Halloween. Every year, he has these elaborately carved pumpkins. (I’m talking elaborate. Like, one year he had Pennywise from It.)

And every year, I don’t know how the hell he manages to do it!

But, even if you’re not a master pumpkin carver, this is a fun activity you can do together.

[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”” apilink=”https://amzn.to/2YMYV7m” new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”5″ img-sizes=”0:0″ imgs=”%3Ca%20href%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FDouble-Side-Professional-Sculpting-Stainless-Lanterns%2Fdp%2FB07W89TMK1%3Fdchild%3D1%26keywords%3Dpumpkin%2Bcarving%26qid%3D1634228905%26sr%3D8-10%26linkCode%3Dli2%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26linkId%3D5afb3b4d69b3a32091c263679c7d4295%26language%3Den_US%26ref_%3Das_li_ss_il%22%20target%3D%22_blank%22%3E%3Cimg%20border%3D%220%22%20src%3D%22%2F%2Fws-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fwidgets%2Fq%3F_encoding%3DUTF8%26ASIN%3DB07W89TMK1%26Format%3D_SL160_%26ID%3DAsinImage%26MarketPlace%3DUS%26ServiceVersion%3D20070822%26WS%3D1%26tag%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%22%20%3E%3C%2Fa%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fir-na.amazon-adsystem.com%2Fe%2Fir%3Ft%3Ddatingb08-20%26language%3Den_US%26l%3Dli2%26o%3D1%26a%3DB07W89TMK1%22%20width%3D%221%22%20height%3D%221%22%20border%3D%220%22%20alt%3D%22%22%20style%3D%22border%3Anone%20!important%3B%20margin%3A0px%20!important%3B%22%20%2F%3E” link-imgs=”false” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”alignleft” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”0″ hide-button=”0″ width=”400″]Pumpkin Carving Kit [/amalinkspro]

22. Plan a Friendsgiving

Curate a list of the people you two want to have over for a Friendsgiving and then start planning! You can have every person bring a dish, or you two can do all the cooking together and make a day of it.

23. Curl up with a Good Book Together

This one sounds weird, but hear me out!

Spending an afternoon snuggled up next to one another in this type of parallel play activity is such a romantic way to relax in the Fall.

You can also read the same book and have your own mini book club afterwards.

Couple reading together inside


So, there you have it! My favorite date ideas for Fall. Again, even if you’re single, you can get together with a group of friends for most of these.

Do you have any other date ideas for Fall? Which Autumn date is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

As always, thanks so much for reading!


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  1. avatar

    Amazing ideas, Katie! It seems so much fun doing all of these in real while going for a date!

    1. avatar

      absolutely! thanks 🙂

  2. avatar

    There are so many great ideas on your list! I’ll definitely be using some of these 😀 My bf and I were hoping to go see Rocky Horror Picture Show this year, but missed out on the tickets. Am taking advantage of the extra time to plan out a costume for next year. It’s supposed to be so much fun! 🙂

    1. avatar

      Oh, yeah, it’s so campy and outrageous!

  3. avatar
    Alicia Thompson says:

    Hello! What a fab post as always!! I am loving it!
    I love the idea of a murder mystery, really great stuff! Alicia

    1. avatar

      I’ve never done one but it’s on my list for sure!

  4. avatar

    I’ll definitely be having some friend dates this Autumn! There’s a Halloween musicals night at Dubai Expo 2020 on Halloween night with songs from Rocky Horror and other spooky musicals, which I can’t wait for! And we’re having a virtual ghost hunt teambuilding event at work too. Love this time of year and I love your suggestions too – I would really like to get a tarot reading!

    1. avatar

      Tarot readings are soo much fun! If you wanted a virtual one, I offer those!

  5. avatar

    Great ideas! I love a good fall hike, especially during the peak season here in New England. Although, it does get very busy around this time of year. Thank you for sharing!

    1. avatar

      Oh yeah! I bet it’s gorgeous in New England!

  6. avatar

    These are fantastic ideas! I want to enjoy the bonfire, some baking and try an escape room. That would be so exciting haha. Thanks for sharing.


    1. avatar

      Escape rooms are so much fun! I definitely recommend trying it.

  7. avatar

    Love the idea if an indoor picnic, by the fire!

    1. avatar

      Yes, so romantic!

  8. avatar
    Fransic verso says:

    Awesome ideas, going to an escape room is fun with your partner. Saving this list for later. Thank you for sharing!

    1. avatar

      Good! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  9. avatar

    These are some great ideas for Fall/Autumn dates — I really want to do an escape room with my husband as I think we’d both have a good laugh at how terrible we are at it.

    1. avatar

      I’m terrible at it too! But, it’s always fun anyway.

  10. avatar
    Seriah Sargenton says:

    These are nice date ideas. I tried Ace throwing last year and it was fun. I’m hoping to go apple picking it wine tasting pretty soon.

    1. avatar

      I think I’m going this weekend, as long as the weather holds up.

  11. avatar

    I’m planning a romantic getaway soon and I’m so excited! It will be winter then, but these are still fantastic ways to make the most of Autumn x

    1. avatar

      Yes – winter getaways are SO romantic.

  12. avatar

    I went axe throwing for the first time a month or two ago! But I didn’t go on a date for that though 😅

    1. avatar

      It’s so fun though right!?

      1. avatar

        Heck yeah it was!!! I actually have a video of me throwing my first axe. Scroll towards the bottom for it


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About Author

30ish Lifestyle blogger, relationship "expert," and modern-day agony aunt.
Sometimes humorous, always honest.